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News What's your FOCUS?

What's your FOCUS?


Running your own business means you're in charge...of everything! Which also means it's exceptionally easy to get overwhelmed and find yourself floundering around in analysis paralysis, or doing jobs which are useful - but aren't actually progressing you towards your long term goals.

I believe the first step with getting clear on your focus has two dimensions:

What is your focus in terms of where you want to get to?


What is your next step, the thing you need to focus your energy on right now?

It's the strategic & the day to day. The big picture and the next small milestone.

The specifics of the *what* are unique to you - but they need to be clear.

Without clarifying your next step, prioritising all the things you feel you should be doing down to the next thing you need to do, it's very easy to spend a LOT of time treading water and not getting anywhere at all.

And the best way to do this if you're struggling? Have a chat with a trusted friend, colleague or business associate. We're always happy to give you a bit of space and time for that if you're wanting to get Touch out into the world! No strings, no big sell - just a commitment to getting Touch out there. Visit to book a slot



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