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Male therapist in black clothing delivering neck massage to a female client lying face upWe stand for excellence in the quality and power of the touch that you receive, all while keeping you absolutely at the centre, and in control.

Safe, respectful Touch is delivered through soft yet strong parts of the body like the soft fleshy part of the forearm. Our therapists understand the innate power of Touch and have each created clinic environments to best support your own Touch journey. 

Treatments offer an invitation: for change, letting go, even transformation. In your own time, at your own pace, with you in control at every stage. As clients, sometimes we know in advance what this change is going to be and sometimes we just trust, let go and only realise what it was all about two weeks after the session! All our practitioners abide by our Massage Code of Responsibility and we welcome your feedback after treatments.

Complete the form below to find your nearest 4Elements trained practitioner, or scroll past the form to learn more about the different treatments available.

The Treatments Available

All treatments are completely zero-strain for the therapist - so you know you'll be able to keep going back to them as long as you want to!

Female massage therapist delivering touch to a clothed male client in a massage chair Nervous-system soothing Clothed Chair
Delivered on a Massage chair, or other seated set up, this treatment bypasses the need to get undressed and the need for oils. At the same time, it still delivers all the awesome benefits of respectful, gentle Touch. This treatment tends to be delivered with a fairly light pressure, and at a fairly slow pace. Designed specifically to soothe the nervous system, this treatment has seen great benefits for clients across the spectrum, and especially for those suffering from chronic pain, long-term health conditions and stress or mental ill-health. 

Muscle-loosening Clothed Chair Massage
Again, a treatment delivered on a Massage Chair and fully clothed. Unlike the treatment above, this treatment uses far more of the therapist's bodyweight to create powerful strokes to work into your muscles, tissue and structure. With stretches, mobilisation and compression all built in, this treatment offers your body the chance to reset and realign.

Additional communication training to enhance your treatment
We understand that every aspect of your experience as a client impacts how much you can get from the treatment. This is why we offer specific training for therapists focused on using powerful psychotherapeutic principles to help you maximise the benefits you get and to enable you to choose exactly the treatment that will serve you best on the day.  

Female therapist massaging the foot of a client lying face downReflex Treatment
A truly systemic approach to stimulating the reflexes of the feet. This is a whole body treatment that can be received fully clothed and does not require the use of oil. The treatment invites your tissues to soften and loosen so by the time the therapist reaches your feet the reflexes are often already open and ready to "fire". Both the front and back of the feet are worked.   

Receiving Massage lying on your side
This treatment is delivered with you lying on a Massage couch on your side. Perfect if you're unable to lie on your front, or back - or if turning over during the treatment is difficult. Fully supported and sensitively draped throughout the session, the overwhelming feedback we get from clients receiving this treatment is how nurturing and soothing it is. Some clients who have no mobility issues at all choose it simply because they find it so comfortable!

Colon Treatment
Our Colon treatment can be received as a standalone treatment, or integrated into a longer session. Having warmed and loosened the tissues of your belly to access the colon, the therapist can then work as deeply into your colon as is comfortable for you. This is done through compression of the tissues - no invasive procedures required! Your therapist will explain how to communicate the right depth for you during the session so you truly remain completely in control throughout. As well as being beneficial for various physical complaints (menstrual cramps, constipation, IBS) the belly is often thought of as an emotional centre, and clients have experienced powerful releases on that level too.

Resilience Building / Trauma Discharge Massage
Trauma and resilience have very much come into the public domain. Touch and Massage can play a really positive role in addressing trauma and building resilience - provided the therapist has received solid training and has professional support themselves. The great news is that all our therapists who offer this type of Massage do! Trauma-informed, they will work with you to deliver a treatment that is right for you - you are the expert of you, and that means you're fully in control at every step of the process. These therapists have also been trained in specific techniques to keep you safe if you become overwhelmed in the session - the soothing power of Touch means that these techniques are rarely needed but are still there, just in case. 

Transformational Massage
A phenomenal treatment with truly life-changing potential. Therapists offering this treatment have integrated at least 15 days of training with us, including the communication training, to be able to support you in clarifying exactly what change you are hoping for and how to embed that through the treatment - and beyond. The core strokes of this treatment are among the most powerful we teach - and as with all 4Elements treatments, can be adjusted to suit your needs on the day.  

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