The Complete 4Elements Approach - click here
Everything the 4Elements Company offers builds on millenia of using Touch, words, awareness and community to enable healing. Its development has come about through continuing these developments, through Standing on the Shoulders of Giants.
Every client who has received a treatment has been part of this journey. Many of their names are now lost to history, but their contribution has been essential.
Every student on every course has challenged, influenced and grown the approach to the place it is now. Again, the complete list of the thousands of students who have contributed is no longer available.
What we do have is the following list of named individuals whose work and / or contributions have directly impacted the development of this approach. This list is accurate at June 2024 and will be updated periodically.
Chris Adams
Sophie Atkinson
Eric Berne
Suan Clynick
Robin Dalglish
Paula Dilling
Nicky Dyer
Sarah Gardiner (normally known as Tigger MacGregor)
Derek Gruender
Jay Hughes
Vann Joines
Nancy Kline
Karen Lakeland
Carl Lister
Jane Lister
Sharon Lomax
Don McFarland
Anita Mehrez
Wendy Murray (Mills)
Mimi Ness
Nija Morgan
Anne Parry
Gerry Pyves
Geraldine Scott
Barbara Selfridge
Ella Severynen
Claude Steiner
Ian Stewart
Andy Swan
Amanda Watson
Amanda Whittaker
Susan Wilson